Seed Library
The Seed Library is open from March 15 through August 15.
There are a limited number of seeds in our library, and seeds will only be available until the current supply is exhausted. Seed packets are non-reservable and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
We hope you enjoy!
How to Use the Seed Library
You must have a valid North Brunswick Library Card to use the Seed Library from March 15 through April 30.
You must have a valid library card for use at the North Brunswick Public Library, including STELLA member library cards, to use the Seed Library from May 1 through August 15.
You may take a maximum of 6 seed packets per visit per patron.
You may ask for the Seed Binder at the Circulation Desk. The Seed Binder contains empty seed packets for plant images, planting information, and more.
To identify seeds that are currently available please consult the North Brunswick Seed Library Catalog below.
This is updated regularly, though it WILL NOT perfectly reflect seed availability. This may mean that some seeds will be listed as available when they no longer are.
Please get a Seed Library Checkout Form from the Circulation Desk or Seed Library display. Write down which seed packets you would like to check out using the form and bring it to the Circulation desk to retrieve your seeds.
Seeds are free to take and have no due date; patrons may keep the seeds and are not required to return anything to the library. We encourage Seed Saving for your own use in future years, however we do not accept seed donations. In our catalog, some seeds are labeled with ‘super easy’ and ‘easy’ denominations. These indicate how easy it is to save seeds from that plant:
Super Easy: With light instruction the seeds from these plants can be saved by gardeners of any skill level.
Easy: Not recommended for first time seed savers. These plants will require some more research, careful spacing, and patience.
We do not recommend saving seeds from packets without a distinction unless you are experienced in seed saving.
North Brunswick Seed Library Catalog
The North Brunswick Public Library Seed Library was created through a partnership with Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Seed Savers Exchange, Burpee Seed Company, Park Seed, Sow Right Seeds, and Victory Seed Company.
Library Resources
Books by Dewey Decimal
631.875 - Composting & mulch
634 - Fruits
635 - Vegetables
635 - Edible landscaping
635.0484 - Organic gardening
635.0974 - NJ gardening
635.7 - Herbs
635.9 - Flowers
635.986 - Container gardening
712.6 - Landscape gardening
J 635 - Gardening with children
Seed Saving Books
Starting & Saving Seeds by
Julie Thompson-Adolf
YA 635 T
The Money-Saving Gardener
by Anya Lautenbach
635 L
Seed to Seed by
Suzanne Ashworth
635.0421 A
Seed Saving
What is Seed Saving? Seed Saving is the practice of saving seeds from vegetables, herbs, and flowers for use from year to year. This is where Heirloom seeds come from! Our seeds are ordered, and donations accepted, from pre-selected vendors and established organizations only, which have been approved by Library Administration. However, you are encouraged to save seeds for your own garden!
Check the Library for seed saving books, or use one of the resources below:
Gardening Resources
Rutgers Master Gardeners RU Ready 2 Garden Webinar Series: This is a YouTube playlist with tips about gardening for new to experienced gardeners.
Master Gardener Helpline, Middlesex County Master Gardeners: Rutgers Extension staff and volunteers will answer your horticultural inquiries. They can be reached by phone at 732-398-5220 or email at Currently, callers should leave a detailed message and contact to receive a personal call back.
The North Brunswick Community Garden has land plots available to reserve, though spaces fill fast!