Honey Bees: A Powerful Pollinator on Tuesday, June 1 at 6PM
Please join Angela Juffey, from the Central Jersey Beekeepers Association for a live virtual program where you'll discover the social structure of the honey bee, and how they continue to impact the prosperity of our earth. Learn the basics of beekeeping, view the inside of a hive, and become familiar with methods of harvesting honey. Plus, enter a raffle to win a mason bee hotel. We hope you can "BEE" there!
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0uduGqpjsoH9AB1CWlPjcpIyGUnern0kv2
You will be sent the virtual program URL after registering.
Any questions, please email librarian Ryan Miller at rmiller@northbrunswicklibrary.org