Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Zoom Fiber Arts Club on Friday, May 7 & 21 from 10 - 11 am: Work on your current project (embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc.) and enjoy the company of others. This club meets every other Friday. Register in advance for this Zoom program: https://form.jotform.com/203075873192155
Mosaic Tray with Pat Dahl on Monday, May 24 from 7 - 8:30 pm: Decorate a tray with tiles. You will be contacted to pick up a supply kit via contactless pickup at the North Brunswick Library after you register. Register in advance for this Zoom program: https://forms.gle/nsCrLDFsnx1D86Nq7
Covid-19 and Caregiving on Wednesday, May 26 from 7 - 8 pm: Join Nicolette Vasco, Program Coordinator from the Alzheimer's Association and learn how to: Understand the relationship between COVID-19 and Dementia, List tips for caregivers managing the pandemic, and Recognize Alzheimer's Association resources that can help. Register in advance for this Zoom program: https://forms.gle/G8WFSuiJZdKgVTEu9